English Conversation Circle

Christmas party gathering at Alex House, celebrating diversity

The English Conversation Circle is a twice-weekly online discussion group designed to support newcomer Canadians develop their conversational skills in both social and professional environments. At the same time, participants learn about Canadian culture and society, as well as those of other participants while making new contacts and friends!

Tuesday morning English Circle is taking a break as we look for a temporary replacement.

English Circle runs from September through June. On Tuesdays, from 10-11 am, the sessions are hosted by Marjan (currently on hold), and on Wednesdays from 7-8 pm with Vinita.

You can be a part of one or both groups. There is no charge and no registration. Simply log in to the Zoom meeting. The link is the same for both sessions: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85102360752

During the summer months of July and August, we offer the English Circle Summer Book Club with leader Moira Tobin. Participants read assigned books (short stories or novels) and meet weekly on Wednesday from 7-8 pm to discuss what the group has read. There is no charge or registration required.

Contact Susan: communityprograms@alexhouse.net to find out more.

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